Saturday, January 29, 2011

The first world war?

The first world war? The First World War, good friends this is my last issue I would love to bring some of what was this event ..
What were the bases for that to happen?
Who started this war?
"years and damage?

First World War.

World War One, military conflict (1914-1918) began as a clash located in the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Serbia on July 28, 1914, was transformed into an armed confrontation at the European level when the declaration of war Austro-Hungarian spread to Russia on August 1, 1914, and finally became a global war involving 32 nations. Twenty-eight of them, called 'allies' or 'Associated Powers' and among them were Britain, France, Russia, Italy and the United States, fought against the coalition of so-called Central Powers, consisting of Germany, Austria-Hungary Empire Ottoman Bulgaria. The immediate cause of the outbreak of hostilities between Austria-Hungary and Serbia was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Habsburg, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, committed in Sarajevo (Bosnia, then part of Austro-Hungarian Empire, now Bosnia- Herzegovina) on June 28, 1914 by Gavrilo Princip, a Serbian nationalist. However, the root causes of conflict refer to the nineteenth-century European history, specifically the economic and political trends that prevailed in Europe since 1871, was founded the German Empire, and that State has emerged as a great power.

The causes of war.

The real factors that led to World War I were the intense spirit of nationalism that swept Europe during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, economic and political rivalry between the nations and the process of militarization and spiraling arms race characterized the international society during the last third of the nineteenth century, from the creation of two competing alliance systems.

The First World War ended in 1918. The Great War lasted four years

The victors divided the possessions of the vanquished.
Internationally disappeared Autria-Hungarian empires and Turkish.
Gone were the old and powerful European dynasties.
United States established itself as a great world power. Great Britain retained the supremacy at sea and France increased their power after seeing its traditional enemy annihilated.

The 1914-18 war caused destruction and countless deaths of some 9 million people. The proletariat of all the belligerent countries was the most harshly class had to suffer the consequences, and in some countries tried to capture the state. But only the Russian Communist Party, led by Lenin. achieved its purpose. In other countries the ruling classes were able to crush the movement of revolt of the masses. Accelerated parallel war of national liberation movements.


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