Thursday, June 23, 2011

It has been brought to my attention that some commenting Blogger members have been rude in their posts about pictures, articles, etc. The only picture or list that we took were from Teen Entertainment, and I am an editor on that site. Everyone on that site knows perfectly well that they can use our information for any of their posts. So now that that is straightened out, we would like to add a new rule to the comments portion of our blog:

Your comments will immediately be banned from the site permanently if you bash the website, post, or things (movies, shows, people) mentioned in the post.

We will start giving credit to lists or pictures that we post from other sites to make it right. Also, the list that one of the members posted was also from Teen Entertainment, and we definitely altered the list from their version to fit the punctuation and capitalization that we use here at The Disney Flame.

We would like to apologize for not giving credit to any websites that we may have taken pictures from. We never intended to make it seem as though they were ours.

Lastly, we hope you know that we wouldn't have had to write the first part of this post if the matter had been handled maturely. If the people commenting had simply messaged me (Samuel) or messaged us on Twitter, we would have been able to handle this matter quicker, more professionally, and we would not have had to have rude comments on our website for a few days.

Thanks for your time,
(Founder of The Disney Flame)

UPDATE: I recently received this comment from head Teen Entertainment editor, Matt. We hope this calms anyone who was upset about the matter. Great thanks to Matt!

Hey, it's Matt! I honestly don't mind if you get information from my website and don't give credit. Since you post on Teen Entertainment, you get full access to everything! Don't worry about giving us credit. Also, the same news is usually on other websites, too, so it's not like TE is the only website that has it. I'm so sorry if some people were rude about this matter. I just want to let you know that it's totally okay if you take anything from us. Thank you and keep up the good work, Samuel!


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